A resource from the Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform on evidence-based approaches to Bill C-36.
Learn more.
Criminal Code Changes After Bill C-36: The Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act

A resource from the Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform on the impacts of provisions criminalizing the advertising of sexual services.
Learn more.
Criminalizing the Advertising of Sex: Impacts and Consequences

A resource from the Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform on the impact of provisions criminalizing the purchase of sexual services.
Learn more.
Criminalizing Purchasing of Sex: Impacts and Consequences

A resource from the Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform on the impacts of provisions criminalizing "Third Parties" across various forms of sex work.
Learn more.
Third Parties and The Law

A resource from the Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform on the impact of anti-sex work provisions on Im/Migrant sex workers.
Learn more.
Migrant Sex Workers & Sex Work-Related Laws

From the Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform, this report summarizes our member groups' collective position on anti-sex work laws and pathways towards law reform.
Learn more.
Final Report: Safety, Dignity and Equality - Recommendations for Sex Work Law Reform in Canada
Sex Work and The Law: In Depth
What does the legal regulation of sex work in Canada mean for sex workers looking to work?
Resource Spotlight: Sex Work & Border Crossing:
What do sex workers need to be aware of when travelling internationally?

Through the Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform, please find a number of resource guides and reference materials on the legal regulation of sex work in Canada and how these regulations impact sex workers in everyday life.
Sex Work & Child/Family Law

We've developed a quick guide for current and former sex workers related to Border Crossing including key considerations, details on what to expect, and how to access information on sex work regulation in Canada and abroad.
More Information
Sex Work & Border Crossing

What are your rights as a tenant? Can your landlord evict you on the suspicion of engaging in sex work? This resource walks through the landscape of tenants rights and your options when dealing with hostile landlords.
More Information
Sex Work and Tenants Rights

This resource is specific to current and future Toronto Community Housing Corp (TCHC) residents describing some of the key consideration that may arise from housing law in Ontario.
More Information.
Sex Work and Tenants Rights - Navigating Toronto Community Housing.

From questions to ask, an overview of potential legal options and the landscape of the criminal justice system for survivors and an analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of the criminal and civil system.
More Information.
Responding to Violence Against Sex Workers - Criminal and Civil Pathways.

This resource explores name and gender marker changes in Ontario, providing an overview of how to update provincial and federal identification.
More Information.
Changing Gender and Name Change Markers in Ontario/Canada.
General Legal Resources:
What other areas of law/legal contexts should I be aware of as a current/former sex worker?

This resource provides an early overview of Bill 251 - the Combatting Human Trafficking Act (2021) including its impact on existing laws that affect sex worker communities in Ontario.
More Information.
Bill 251: Ontario's Anti-Trafficking Legislation and Sex Work

Bill S-210 is being considered and not currently in effect. The following submission from the Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform details some of the harmful elements of the bill that may impact sex workers.
More Information.
Bill S-210 An Act to restrict young persons’ online access to sexually explicit material

On July 21, 2020, the Ontario Government passed Bill - 184, Protecting Tenants
and Strengthening Community Housing Act.
This resource provides an overview of key changes and considerations for sex workers.
More Information
Bill 184: Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act
Sex Work & Policy Developments:
What policy developments at the local, provincial and federal level should sex workers be aware of?

In the City of Toronto, exotic dancers require a license to work in strip clubs. This license is obtained online or in person through Municipal Licensing and Standards Division.
Associated Fees (Including GST):
- Application fee: $159.43
- Licence fee: $302.88
Strippers: Adult Entertainer (Dancer) License

In the City of Toronto, massage workers are required to obtain a Body Rubber (Massage) License online or in person through the Municipal Licensing and Standards Division.
Associated Fees (Including GST):
- Application fee: $159.46
- Licence fee: $302.88
Massage Attendants: Body Rubber (Massage) License

Those carrying Adult Entertainer and Body Rubber licenses are subject to Toronto's Municipal Bylaws under Section 545.
Locate the specific bylaws: Adult Entertainment Clubs: p.164 (545-362) - Body Rub Parlours: p.148 (545-372)