Donate to Maggie's Toronto Sex Workers Action Project
We're a registered charity through the Canada Revenue Agency (#139837561RR0001) and able to issue Charitable Tax Receipts to our donors.

Donate online and register to become a monthly sustainer through CanadaHelps.
Donate Via Credit/Debit
Target your contribution to the programming and services closest to your heart!
Ballroom Empowerment Program Fund
Support our weekly drop in/meal programming + personal and professional development for QT/BIPOC, LGBTQ2s+ youth + house parents across Toronto's Ballroom Scene.
Program Fund
Support our 1:1 supports for current and former sex workers including accompaniments, application support, referrals and life/safety/family planning.
Drop In/
Program Fund
Support our weekly drop in programming and targeted workshops, community-building spaces and supportive services for sex worker parents/caregivers.
Program Fund
Support our outreach and engagement efforts connecting male-identified sex workers and our entire community to HIV/Harm Reduction services, referrals and testing.
Street Outreach
& Community Engagement
Support our Street Outreach programming in Toronto's downtown east end, distributing safer use supplies and providing life-affirming care, referral pathways and advocacy to street-based sex workers.